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2단계, 구의 윗부분과 아랫부분을 납작하게 만들어 입체적인 타원구를 만듭니다 ↑↑↑
3단계, 도구를 사용하여 타원구에 텍스처를 그립니다↑↑↑
4단계, 베이지색 클레이를 이용해 큰 물방울 모양을 만들어 타원형 공으로 붙여주세요↑↑↑
5단계, 베이지색 클레이에 물방울 모양의 질감도 그려주세요↑↑↑
6단계, 다른 색상의 점토를 사용하여 작은 공 몇 개를 반죽하고 베이지색 점토 위에 사탕 부스러기로 붙입니다. 아주 아름다운 아이스크림볼이 완성되었습니다!↑↑↑
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Benefits of Using Super Light Clay for DIY Projects Super light clay, also known as air dry clay, is…
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Sculpting Techniques with Air Dry Clay Air dry clay is a versatile and popular material used by artists and…
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The Top Chinese Makers of Magic Foam Clay Magic foam clay has become a popular crafting material in recent…
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Creative Polymer Clay Jewelry Ideas for DIY Enthusiasts Polymer clay has become a popular medium for DIY enthusiasts looking…
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How to Create Intricate Polymer Clay Jewelry Designs Polymer clay has become increasingly popular in the world of jewelry…
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Advantages of Using Super Light Clay for DIY Projects Super light clay has become increasingly popular in the world…